My current skincare routine

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Proper skincare techniques are essential to having a radiant face for natural no-makeup days as well as on the days that we choose to wear makeup regardless of how much. When I was younger, I rarely had breakouts or acne. My version of skincare consisted of cleansing my face daily with a white dove bar soap. However, as I got older and more fond of makeup, I noticed some changes in my skin and decided to be more prevalent with my skincare regimen.

I’m still blessed to not have many experiences with breakouts or acne. Although, I do get a few random blemishes when I’d fail to properly clean my face, during certain times of the month or when I sweat a lot. I decided to incorporate a more meaningful skincare regimen once I started noticing these skin changes and started wearing makeup more frequently. I also wanted to be more prevalent with my skincare routine to ensure that my skin stayed healthy and youthful looking; however, it took a lot of trial and error to learn with products and brands would complement my skin best. My routine isn’t as structured as I’d like it to be at this time but I’m taking steps to upgrade my routine and maintain my journey to blemish free skin that looks ageless no matter how much I age. For a great guide on skincare basics, you can download my free ultimate skincare checklist to see my skin care goals and the schedule I’ll be following more religiously going forward since I’ve decided to get more serious about my skincare routine.
In my current skincare routine, I begin each day by washing my face with a cleanser, I typically use a warming charcoal cleanser by Ulta or GlamGlow’s mud to foam Youthcleanse. Next, I tone by applying witch hazel alcohol or another brand of facial toner with a cotton ball to restore the PH balance in my skin, refresh it, and shrink/close pores. After that, I use my GlamGlow GlowStarter or my Lancer “The Method – Nourish” moisturizer to replenish the moisture in my face. On the days that I chose to wear makeup, which is most of the time since I typically wear at least one makeup product daily, I begin my makeup process right after moisturizing my skin. When I’m wearing a full face of makeup or a natural look I begin with priming then using whatever products I decide to wear for the day. However, on my “no makeup days” the days that I don’t wear foundation or bb cream, I apply whatever products I choose to wear on my brows, lashes and lips while letting the glam glow moisturizer give me a natural glow. 

My nightly routine is similar to my morning routine but for some reason, I’ve started using different products. I start by removing my makeup with charcoal wipes; I love that one side of these wipes has a smooth side like most wipes but the other side has more texture which makes it so much easier to remove heavy products and products that are usually harder to remove. Next, I begin cleansing my face with my Lancer’s kit starting by exfoliating my face with “The Method – Polish”. Then, I use Lancer’s “The Method – Cleanse” to deeply cleanse my face. I continue by using a cotton ball with witch hazel alcohol to tone my face. Once the toner dries, I use Lancer’s “The Method – Nourish” to moisturize my skin. Some nights when I want extra moisture, I use GlamGlow’s ThirstyMud Treatment as a moisture mask and sleep in the moisturizer overnight. 

I also use GlamGlow’s Youthmud or Flashmud Treatment mask at least once a week as well incorporating a facial massage at least once a week. I groom my brows bi-weekly.

Although my current routine isn’t bad, it could definitely use some improvements. Now that I’ve officially started my training to become a certified skincare advisor and makeup artist, I want to ensure that I practice what I preach. Therefore, I will also be following the Ultimate Skincare Checklist that I send out to all of the beauties and gents that subscribe to my newsletter. Once I’ve completed all of my training, I will update you on my skincare journey as well as the results of a more structured routine. If you haven’t gotten a copy of the checklist but would like to have one, you can get one by subscribing through the link on my homepage or by clicking here! I can’t wait to hear about all of your fabulous skincare improvements and to see those glowing faces! For other articles that could help you learn more about makeup and skincare, also check out our posts that help you learn How to get your foundation to look flawless and last longer, How to fix broken makeup, How to properly groom your brows and How to properly clean makeup brushes.

Charis Andrell

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I love skincare and using clay masks helps me with my super oily skin. I love that black glamglow mask as well as the pixi glow tonic. All the best with your training lovely. 🙂

Via |


I’ve never tried Glamglow before, but it sounds great!

What Sophie Loves


They have awesome products. I only purchased them one at a time and even bought some sample/travel sized products first to try them out. I’ve gone back several times since then to purchase more of their products and it’s been worth the investment.


Thanks for your blog, nice to read. Do not stop.


Thank you so much for your feedback: i truly appreciate it!

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